*turn back your biological clock

Pet Scan

Our beloved dog, Olive – the amazing Havanese Mountain Dog – is 12 years old (the bottom 10 or so pictures). I hope she buries me, but there is a risk she will not. So we are getting set by thinking of a new dog. Maybe a dog and a damn fine cat. The top picture shows Hilly with our deeply loved dog, Aengus the Weimaraner, and the Maine Coon Cat, Eli, both now deceased. They were the best pets and the most loved on earth. But we lived in Aspen in those days and could manage them. Now we are between the Berkshires and New York City and travel a fair amount to other places. And we have pals with serious allergies. And we are marginally old, especially Hilary. SO…we are thinking of one of those hydroponic dogs that don’t shed, a Portuguese Water dog or a Golden Doodle or whatnot.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR ADVICE: For example, as much as we doted on Aengus, he was crazy as a bed bug and lunatic energetic, and that could be hard. When we left him at home, he would sink into despair and start looking around for his old service pistol. When he couldn’t find it, he’d bark his head off. Loud. Which was fine in Aspen, less fine in a New York apartment. Second, Hilary is much older, as I say, and does not want to exercise as dog as much as Aengus required (four or five hours a day). Olive is perfect. She detests exercise and is thrilled to sit on the sofa all day. What we want is a heroic looking dog like Aengus to suggest that we are a very cutting edge, energetic couple, without having to do much of anything. Must be smart and not disposed to poop in the house. Olive’s rare indiscretions (a couple of times a day at worst) are tolerable: a full-scale, Portuguese or what not….less so. No rush, but please help.
-Chris and Hilary

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Chris Crowley

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