I just got my second shot (I am 117 years old, which is a help), and the impact was surprising. Very surprising. In practical terms, it didn’t make that much difference, because Hilary is still a kid and can’t...
Recording the Audio Book…BIG DEAL!

You’d think that recording an almost 400-page book aloud would be boring and dull. Not a bit of it; it’s electrifying and great fun. (Hope that comes through in the audio). One is reading one’s favorite book, of course;...
Back Yard On XC Skis

I am plenty bored with Covid isolation. I want to go to a restaurant…go to a bar. Haven’t gone to bars much in my life, except in Aspen in ski times. I wish I’d done it more. Wish we...
Crowley Vineyard

It’s a little odd, but there are few people on earth of whom I am fonder than my second wife Joan Crowley, to whom I was married for seven years in the 1970’s. In addition to being a great...

To my continuing astonishment, I turned 86 this week. And I’m glad to report that it was a joy, despite the wretched Covid-19. We were up in the Berkshires most of the week, working in my lovely study, biking...
Marine Clock

One birthday, my beloved co-author and friend, the late Harry Lodge, gave me a brass marine clock which he had had restored. The face is some ten inches across and it sits on a deep brass ring. It has...