*turn back your biological clock


There’s been a nice surge in speaking gigs this fall. Next Thursday, for example, Hilly and I fly to Jacksonville for a talk on Amelia Island, a pleasant resort off the Florida coast. I talk the next day to some 500 lawyers (always a great audience). The next day is my birthday (that’s why Hilly is there) and we’ll loll around on Sanibel for that. The morning after, she goes home and I zip out to Minneapolis/St. Paul for a talk on Tuesday. (There are a ton of YNY fans in the twin cities…hope to see a few.) Then scamper home on Wednesday for a particularly important (if deeply un-paid) talk at the White Hart Inn in Salisbury about the wonderful new BACK BOOK, which I am crazy about. Gotta sell that puppy… save some poor devils from despair. Back pain’s a horror and it turns out we can really do something about it.

Would I maintain a schedule like this all the time, if asked? In a heart-beat.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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