*turn back your biological clock


New Years is the time, natch, to renew our promises to oursleves to be good kids in the next year. To be Younger Next Year, in fact.
Here is a good – albeit slightly commercial – idea. START A JOURNAL, if you haven’t already. As we say in the books it is the single best thing you can do to keep yourself on track.
And it just happens that WORKMAN has brought out a Chris and Harry Journal which is in stores (Up front in the big chains) right now for $10.95. I’ve been using an early copy for a while now and it’s not bad. ANY JOURNAL is a real help and this one is better than most. Give it a shot. Or just do your own. But one way or another, you gotta keep a journal…it’s how you tell yourself you care.

About Author

Chris Crowley

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