*turn back your biological clock
Success Stories

Thankful for your advice.

Just completed some minor surgery, which could have been major surgery and actually life threatening, had I not heeded your advise in your first YNY. You wrote about the episode with loosing part of your nose to the pretty, little dermatologist and followed that with a serious warning to have our skin (head to toe) checked out regularly to keep some nasty skin cancer surprises from sneaking up on us. Well, your warning, coupled with my wife’s recent discovery of two such skin growths caused me to get to our dermatologist for a check and guess what?  That little growth on my shoulder (which I couldn’t see without a mirror) was melanoma!  Luckily, because of having gone when I did, it was successfully removed on Monday and all is well. Thank you again for the little prod! It most likely saved my life. As you know, melanoma is a real killer unless one catches it in time. You may want to consider another short warning to your reading public when you publish your next Fortnightly.
Also pleased to report that I had a great 5K, road race last Saturday and actually improved my time by 17 seconds over my effort in March. Life is good and keeps getting better!

About Author

Chris Crowley

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